Spinach, Bloomsdale
‘Bloomsdale’ spinach is an heirloom variety with thick, deep green, crinkly leaves and great flavor. Hands down, my favorite spinach! Excellent raw or cooked. Spinach does best in fertile soil; amend the planting bed with compost before planting. Multiple seedlings in 2.5” biodegradable pot.
To transplant, thoroughly wet the biodegradable pot, then break into fourths. Plant each chunk in soil about 6” apart. This gives the seedlings more room to grow, for a bigger harvest. Make sure the rim of the biodegradable pot is not sticking up above the soil, or it will wick up moisture away from the plant roots – either bury the rim, or tear it off.
For “cut and come again”, harvest the leaves an inch or two above the soil, just above the growing tip. The plant will send out new leaves, and in a couple weeks you can harvest again. Once acclimated, spinach is quite cold hardy, and will usually grow (slowly!) thru the winter season, especially if given some protection such as row cover.