Ironweed, Western & Missouri


in 3″ re-used plastic pot


Ironweed, Missouri
Vernonia missurica

Tall perennial with bright magenta-purple flowers. Attracts butterflies and native bees. Often crosses with other species of ironweed. Spreads by rhizomes. Full sun, medium-wet to medium-dry soil, 3-5’ height, late summer blooming.

Ironweed, Western
Vernonia baldwinii

Bright magenta-purple flowers attract butterflies and native bees. Recognized by the Xerces Society as having special value for the large number of native bees that forage its flowers. Often crosses with other species of ironweed. Spreads by rhizomes; plant it where it has room to spread!
Native to almost all of Oklahoma. Full sun, medium to medium-dry soil, 3-5’ height, late summer blooming.
Ironweed, Western & Missouri