1.5″ plugs

Vigorous plug seedlings for $2 each or 4/$6 (order 4 plugs of one variety; you can mix and match when you pick up.)
Seedlings are approximately 1.5” plugs with a healthy root system; I’ll pop them out of the tray for you and wrap them in newspaper. Plant them or pot them up when you get home. I plant all my veggie transplants as plugs; they are a healthy, ecological and economical alternative to potted transplants.
It’s easier to grow cauliflower successfully in Oklahoma in the fall rather than the spring; the young seedlings are generally fairly heat tolerant, and by the time the plants mature, the weather has cooled down. Transplant in mid-August in full sun with fertile soil, and weekly rain or watering; we’re aiming for rapid growth so that they’re ready to harvest in mid to late October before the first fall freeze.
CAULIFLOWER, Snow Crown (F1) 50 days
Extra early and adaptable. Good quality, medium-size heads whether harvested in summer or fall. Good tolerance to moderate fall frost (25–32°F). AAS winner.
CAULIFLOWER, Song (F1) 44 days
This “loose-curd” or sprouting cauliflower is sweeter and more tender than standard cauliflower, with longer stems that are exceptional for dipping. It also performs better in hot weather and below-average fertility than most cauliflower. Heads are typically harvested after florets have elongated and curds have started to separate.