Beautyberry, White
5″ round pot
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Callicarpa americana var. lactea
This Beautyberry is similar to its well-known purple-berried cousin, but the drupes are pure white, and it prefers a shadier location. Easy to grow and requires little maintenance.
An understory shrub, its native range includes Arkansas and the southeast U.S. Although its native habitat is moist woods and swampy edges, it will tolerate drier conditions. I only water mine when we go through periods of drought.
The seeds and berries provide food for multiple species of birds, and the tiny flowers are a nectar source for many pollinators, including butterflies. Cut it back to 12” above the base each winter for more compact growth, flowers and fruits. Or let it grow naturally for a tall, open, woody shrub. Shade, medium soil moisture, 4-8’ height.