Cutleaf Daisy


in 3″ re-used plastic pot

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Engelmannia peristenia

An adaptable perennial that thrives in many different conditions, this is a tough, happy wildflower! Blooms most of the summer with showy yellow flowers, attracting bees and butterflies. Let it go to seed for the birds to enjoy. Petals will fold under when it gets hot. Its deep taproot makes it drought tolerant once established. Often self-seeds. Native to much of Oklahoma, Texas and New Mexico. Full sun, 2-3’ height, medium to dry soil, heat and drought tolerant. AKA Engelmann’s Daisy.

Kartesz, J.T., The Biota of North America Program (BONAP). 2023. Taxonomic Data Center. ( Chapel Hill, N.C. [maps generated from Kartesz, J.T. 2023. Floristic Synthesis of North America, Version 1.0. Biota of North America Program (BONAP). (in press)]